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Health and Wellness Day at Maple Creek Middle School

Cycling BC was lucky enough to be one of the presenters at Maple Creek Middle School’s Health and Wellness Day this fall.   This day consisted of 4 40 minute sessions with 15 youth participating in our program.  The youth ranged from Grade 6-8 riding a variety of bikes.

The youth took part in lessons educating them on key race skills, such as cornering and emergency breaking. They then got to run through a mini race course involving hills, gravel and tight corners.

Despite the cold temperature and  rain, the kids were not phased!  They stayed active and had big smiles throughout.  When each session was coming to a close the youth asked to keep racing!  Another school visited and a bunch more youth excited about racing in BC. Many want to keep learning and the school hopes to have us come back to run a program in the Spring of 2012!  Thanks Maple Creek Middle School for having us!