Register Your Club/Team Rides

If you are facilitating more than five distinct rides each year, please download the bulk activity form at and email the completed form to, as well as any COI request forms.

Club/Team Ride Registration Form

As part of Cycling BC's insurance policy, affiliated clubs and teams must inform Cycling BC about their rides and activities in order for their rides to be covered. Completing this form will help ensure your club/team is meeting this requirement.

A club ride is one that involves three (3) or more club members, excluding guests or non-club members.

Prospective club members who do not hold a Cycling BC licence may participate in a maximum of two club group rides within British Columbia and must sign the Cycling BC waiver—any subsequent participation by the rider will require a Cycling BC membership licence.

Please complete the form below to the best of your ability. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ben Chaddock at

  • Please provide the details of your activity in this section. You may add multiple entries. Once all your activities are added, please remember to click on the final 'Submit' button at the bottom of this page.
    Activity Type Activity Name Activity Leader Name Is this a recurring activity? Activity Start Date Activity End Date Activity City/Region Activity Description and Approximate Route Details Will all participants be licensed Cycling BC members? Actions
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.