Coaches & Instructors

Sharing our knowledge and expertise with the NEXT generation.

Cycling BC’s education program is aligned with Cycling Canada and the Coaching Association of Canada’s National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). Our programs include various experiences designed to help coaches gain the skills and experiences they need to succeed.

Whether you’re looking for a coach or want to become certified, we have what you need to get started.

Cycling BC's Education Program

Click to Read Pathway Details and Prices.

Cycling BC’s education program is designed to match learning experiences with the types of athletes and programs you are interested in supporting to ensure your experience is clear and purposeful.

Our programs are catered to,

  1. Adults interested in supporting their club a ride leader or skills instructor
  2. Instructors seeking opportunities to help get more kids on bikes through HopOn and youth clubs
  3. Coaches ready to progress and fulfill leadership roles with clubs and performance programs

Learn more below, and when you are ready, visit our accreditation system to create a free account and track your progress toward accreditation.

Ride Leader

An optional professional development experience for any Cycling BC member interested in leading recreational adult club rides and creating safer group riding experiences for all. This 8-hour education program includes a 2-hour video call, a 3-hour group ride, and a reflective journal and awards the MAROON certificate in perpetuity. LEARN MORE HERE.


HopOn Instructor

This is a low-barrier program available to all members who are at least 14 years old and interested in becoming cycling instructors and perhaps facilitating our HopOn In-School or Community Program. The program culminates with a 1-2 day in-person orientation that helps instructors practice teaching numerous HopOn Games and Movements. A 4-hour eLearning module is required to prepare for the weekend, along with two on-demand SafeSport modules.


Parents and coaches in-training can fulfill the role of Club Chaperone at a youth club by submitting a Background Check and completing a one-hour on-demand SafeSport eLearning module. As a result, youth clubs can uphold the expectations of Cycling BC’s SafeSport and Coach Excellence policy.


Club Assistant Instructor

Members at least 15 years old leading youth club practices or adult skills clinics must complete the Club-Assistant (YELLOW) pathway. This 35-hour program includes NCCP Competition-Introduction context nodules and helps prepare coaches to facilitate a skills practice for 10-16-year-olds or adults with 1-3 years of cycling experience. The pathway includes two in-person modules, a 10-hour online-facilitated module, and a few on-demand eLearning modules.


Club Certified Coach

Members at least 15 years old interested in becoming a club head coach or facilitating NCCP modules as a Learning Facilitator can pursue the 55-hour NCCP Competition-Introduction context and earn the GREEN certificate. The pathway builds upon the YELLOW program. It includes a nutrition eLearning module and a 12-hour online-facilitated theory module focused on preparing an annual training plan and taking an athlete to their first competition. The program culminates with a written portfolio evaluated by Cycling Canada and a 30-minute online multiple-choice quiz.

Performance Certified Coach

Members at least 18 years old who have competed at a high level or aspire to coach professionally can pursue the 80-hour NCCP Competition-Development certification and earn the BLUE certificate.

We strongly encourage coaches to complete the Club-Certified pathway before beginning this program and acknowledge the extended time frames associated with achieving certification. However, completing this pathway creates opportunities to attend the Canada Summer Games, work as a National Team coach, and support athletes in the Train to Compete and Train to Win stage of Long-Term Development.

Ready to Get Started? Use the links below ... or continue reading.

Coaching FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who can I talk to about coaching modules?

    Cycling BC’s Head of Coach Development can help you with any additional questions you have about coaching. Please Schedule A Call or send an e-mail to

  • What program(s) are required for working with youth (U19) participants?

    Cycling BC-affiliated clubs and teams that work with riders under 19 years old need:

    • A minimum of 1 NCCP Club-Certified (GREEN) or Performance-certified (BLUE) coach must be listed as the Club Head Coach or Advisor during their annual affiliation application. This person mentors instructors leading practices and facilitates a healthy club culture.
    • At least one instructor/coach attending all youth practices insured by Cycling BC must hold Club Assistant (YELLOW) status. All other leaders attending youth practices must hold Chaperone status.

    Exceptions include adult-focused clubs that welcome 16-18-year-old cyclists to attend group rides, in which case 2-3 members must hold Chaperone status. 

    Cycling BC acknowledges and adheres to the British Columbia Universal Code of Conduct (BC UCC), and the Coaching Association of Canada’s Responsible Coaching Movement. What is Safesport? Learn more here.

  • What program(s) are required for working with adult participants?

    Cycling BC-affiliated clubs and teams that facilitate skills clinics under our insurance package need:

    • A minimum of 1 Cycling BC member must hold at least Club Assistant (YELLOW) status during all adult skills clinics facilitated under Cycling BC insurance. All other participants must have an active Cycling BC membership.
    • All instructors facilitating a Cycling BC-sanctioned education clinic (Learn-to-Ride/Race) must hold at least Club Assistant (YELLOW) status.

    There are no requirements to hold Ride Leader (MAROON) status for any Cycling BC activity.

  • What is the minimum age to start coaching?

    14+ years old = Pursue HopOn Instructor certification and fulfill a mentee/support role at a youth club or instructor position at HopOn.

    15+ years old = Pursue Club Assistant certification to fulfill a leadership role at a youth club, a coach plate at a Downhill event, or lead a Cycling BC adult skills clinic.

    16+ years old = Pursue Club Certified certification to fulfill the head coach or team advisor role as a Cycling BC-affiliated youth program, or help prepare new cyclists of all ages participate in a competition.  Alternatively, coaches with HopOn Instructor certification can lead their own HopOn After-School Program.

    18+ years old = Pursue Performance Certified certification and fulfil a leadership role with Cycling BC’s targeted-athlete program. Alternatively, coaches with HopOn Instructor certification can instruct at HopOn’s School and Summer Camp programs.

    19+ years old = Pursue Coach Developer certification and facilitate coach education modules and evaluations or another Technical License to support the racing community as a commissaire, caravan driver, soigneur, mechanic, team manager, etc.). Alternatively, pursue the optional Ride Leader certification to help support recreational experiences at your adult club/team.

  • What is a coach developer?

    Coach Developers guide, moderate, and instruct new cycling coaches and undergo training and certification by the Coaches Association of Canada. There are three types of coach developers:

    1. Learning Facilitators – lead NCCP coaching courses
    2. Coach Evaluators – evaluate coach portfolios and conduct formal observations
    3. Master Coach Developers – provide training and formal observations of LF’s and CE’s

    Cycling BC’s coach developer team includes:

    • Ben Chaddock
    • Bruce Law
    • Hans Loeffelholz
    • Joel Harwood
    • Kurt Innes
    • Mischa Partridge
    • Siobhann Williamson
    • Steve Shore
    • Vicki Greenwood
  • How do I challenge the Club-Certified pathway?

    Coaches with NCCP education from another sport or international coach education may apply to challenge the Competition-Introduction context and earn Club Certified status. Cycling Canada retains the right to decline an applicant’s request to pursue the challenge process. A challenge costs $250 to $335 and includes:

    • Making Ethical Decisions Quiz ($85)
    • Submit portfolio and pass online quiz & debrief call ($250)

    Leaders with YELLOW status by way of PMBIA certification who wish to pursue the GREEN certificate must do so by officially challenging. Alternatively, attend the outdoor NCCP modules for mentorship purposes (free of charge) and the final theory module, Training to Race. Evaluation includes an online quiz and submitting and debriefing your written portfolio with Cycling Canada.

  • I have PMBIA certification... what is my next step?

    Coaches with alternative mountain bike instructor certification, including active Professional Mountain Bike Instructor Association (PMBIA) status, may forgo some outdoor NCCP modules associated with Club Assistant certification.

    PMBIA Level 1 Instructor

    • Complete pre-requisites (Membership, Background Screening, Foundations, Emergency Action Plan, Making Ethical Decisions Quiz)
    • Complete 1 Zoom-Based course (Skills & Tactics Theory $75)
    • Attend 1 outdoor NCCP module (Basic Skills or Mtn Bike Skills for only $25)

    PMBIA Level 2+ instructors

    • Complete pre-requisites (Membership, Background Screening, Foundations, Emergency Action Plan, Making Ethical Decisions Quiz)
    • Complete 1 Zoom-Based course (Skills & Tactics Theory $75)

    Read more about Cycling BC’s partnership agreement with the PMBIA.

  • I am a certified coach. How can I continue to learn?

    Coaches who have completed their preferred education pathway can pursue various professional development opportunities.

    • On-Demand Professional Development: Attend standalone NCCP eLearning modules like ‘Mental Health in Sport.’ View all.
    • Self-Directed Reading: Pursue a topic of interest and submit a 750-word reflective academic paper (APA 7 Style).
    • Advanced Coach Diploma: This 2-year part-time program is available for ‘trained’ (all modules complete) and ‘certified’ Performance (BLUE) coaches. It prepares you to operate in the Sport for Life’s Podium Pathway nationally and internationally. Two cohorts begin the diploma each calendar year. The Spring Cohort starts in March (application deadline January 31) and September (application deadline June 30).  ~$4000 CDN
    • Graduate Studies @ UBC: This 3-year flexible and blending learning program is available for Performance Head (BLUE) coaches (Comp-Dev certified) and five years of coaching or athletic experience in the podium pathway. Students complete a one-year HPCTL graduate certificate (~$7,000) and two years of graduate coursework for the MHPCTL master’s degree (~$16,000).
  • When are education modules offered?

    Education modules are often available from February to May (Spring Cohort) and September to November (Autumn Cohort). Dates are typically announced each December, with updates announced for each quarter. Sign up for our Coach Development e-newsletter to stay up-to-date on all the happenings in the coaching world. Subscribe now

    Cycling BC, Cycling Canada, and viaSport collaborate to facilitate education modules.

  • How do I get started?

    We recommend creating a free account at and using your to identify and register for modules that interest you.

    You’ll also be asked to visit and create a free LOCKER account during registration. This way, you’ll be assigned an NCCP number through the Coaching Association of Canada’s LOCKER system. Please ensure that you know your NCCP number before registering for a module. You can create an account here.

  • How do I request a private booking or special accommodation?

    Affiliated Cycling BC clubs, teams, and supporting businesses may request a privately scheduled NCCP module by contacting

    We usually charge a flat fee of $1250 for a private booking (max. 12 participants) however, travel expenses may be supplemental.