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Update on Cycling BC By-Law Amendments


Cycling BC held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) virtually via Zoom video conference on Monday, June 24th. At the meeting, members gathered to hear updates from the board and CEO, review and approve the organization’s financial statements, approve meeting minutes, and vote on important motions as listed below.

  1. The motion to amend the wording of Cycling BC By-Law 4.06 and By-Law 4.07 (c) that would allow the board to vote on removing a board director if the director violates Cycling BC policies was adopted.
  2. The motion to amend the wording of Cycling BC By-Law 2.02 (b) to include “electronic voting” to ensure that members have better accessibility to vote on important issues such as membership dues was adopted.
  3. The motion to transition the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee from a Standing Committee under By-Law 6.03 and integrate it into the member advisory working group was adopted.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the process and for your engagement in the AGM. Your participation and engagement play a crucial part in shaping the direction of our organization.

For more information about the AGM and the meeting’s minutes, please visit the AGM webpage at