

  • Mentorship Bursary Program

    Cycling BC offers High Performance Targeted Athletes with financial support towards training, competition, and the opportunity to pursue coaching & mentoring opportunities within cycling through the Targeted Athlete Mentorship Bursary Program.

  • Anti-Doping

    Cycling Canada recently launched their Race Clean: OWN YOUR VICTORY program that is athlete driven. Cycling BC has created an Anti Doping Policy outlining our stance on the matter. All High Performance team athletes are required to read this document. Once selected for the team, you will be required to sign a document outlining what you’ve read and fully understand the policy and its implications on your racing career.

    All Cycling BC High Performance Athletes are required to take the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) Online Modules related to Anti-Doping. Begin the sign-up process at if you wish to get started now. Please make sure that all certificates are forwarded to Cycling BC’s Athlete Development Manager.

    Other Anti-Doping Resources:

  • Concussion Awareness

    Concussions are a known injury in cycling and it can be difficult to know what to do if you suspect an athlete might have one. If concussions are understood and managed properly, including using a step-by-step return to play guideline, then the chance of persistent symptoms and complications can be drastically decreased and the athlete may return to full health quicker.

    Here are a few resources that can help you and your athlete ensure proper care is taken if a concussion is suspected or diagnosed.

    Pre-season Concussion Education Sheet

    Medical Assessment Letter

    Medical Clearance Letter

    Canadian Guidelines on Concussion in Sport

    Concussion Baseline Testing Tool: ImPACT Applications online tool.

    For more information for coaches, parents, and athletes, check out the Concussion Awareness Training Tool.

    To find a practitioner near you check out this list.

    Cycling Canada’s Head Injury/Concussion Protocol.

  • External Sport Credentials Program

    Students can earn external credits towards graduation by taking courses, programs or activities that fall outside the normal B.C. school curriculum. External Sport Credentials are elective credits and cannot be used to substitute for required courses.

    Cycling BC is responsible for issuing verification letters to student-athletes who have:

    • Met the requirements of an approved athlete program
    • Received funding through the BC Athlete Assistance Program

    Team BC athletes who competed at the Canada Games will be sent a verification letter by the Sports Branch of the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development shortly after the completion of the games.

    For more information and to see if you are eligible to check out the Ministry of Educations website here. To request a letter apply here.

    Student Responsibility

    • Student-athletes are required to contact the appropriate provincial sports organization to confirm involvement in an approved athlete program and to request a verification letter be sent to them
    • Athletes receiving Sport Canada Athlete Assistance need to contact their National Sports Organization to request a verification letter
    • Students are responsible for submitting the letter of verification of participation for External Sport Credentials to their high school counsellor
    • Students who earn External Sport Credentials prior to entering grade 10 need to file this documentation and present it once they have entered Grade 10 and are earning graduation credits
  • CSI Pacific Speaker Series On-Demand

    Discover the Canadian Sport Institute’s tools, knowledge, and skills database of videos and podcasts to help you reach the next level of sport performance. This resource can be useful for athletes, coaches, and fitness enthusiasts looking to elevate their performance, enhance their skills, and gain a competitive edge in their sport.


  • SafeSport

    As an accredited Provincial Sport Organization (PSO) by viaSport, Cycling BC acknowledges and adheres to the British Columbia Universal Code of Conduct (BC UCC) and the Cycling BC Safe Sport Policy.

    Cycling BC endorses a sports system that keeps participants in sport free of harassment, abuse, and discrimination. Cycling BC has committed to the Coaching Association of Canada’s Responsible Coaching Movement and has taken a pledge to implement policies and processes that adhere to three key areas of focus,

    1. The Rule of Two
    2. Background Screening (including Criminal Record Checks); and
    3. Respect and Ethics Training

    National Resources:

    The Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada (SDRCC): a third-party that serves members of the national sport community in helping resolve disputes and ensures that sport organizations are not investigating their own members.

    Canadian Sport Helpline: A national toll-free confidential helpline for victims and witnesses of harassment, abuse, and discrimination in sport where victims can speak in confidence to a neutral third-party to report concerns and get help. The helpline is available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (ET), seven days a week at 1-888-83-SPORT (77678) or by email at

    Safe Sport Education for Youth: The Safe Sport Education Program for youth aged 13-19 promotes a safe and respectful sporting environment. It covers key topics such as recognizing and reporting abuse, setting boundaries, and fostering healthy relationships in sports.