2024 Cycling BC Board Elections

Cycling BC requires board representatives with experience in the areas identified in our wheel to keep Cycling BC moving in the right direction.

  • Do you feel passionate about growing the sport of Cycling in BC and Canada?
  • Are you a Cycling BC member with skills and experience in any of the areas identified in our wheel?
  • Do you have 4-5 hours per month that you are willing to invest to help Cycling BC continue to develop into a leading Provincial Sport Organization?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, consider putting your name forward to join the Cycling BC Board of Directors.

The Board Members hold a pivotal role in steering the direction of the organization in accordance with its strategic goals and mission. Collaborating with the Cycling BC CEO, Board Members work to ensure that the organization remains on course by providing guidance, direction and oversight. The Board Members are responsible for working in unison with their peers, contributing their expertise and knowledge to the overall success of the organization.

Learn more about the candidates & vote


  • Candidates

    View Candidates & Vote

    Interested individuals are invited to complete the  Notice of Interest Form (Online or PDF copy) and provide the additional required information.

    Candidates should be aware of the Cycling BC By-laws found on the site. The information noted below should also be a consideration when determining interest as a candidate.

    Cycling BC is seeking Directors who are qualified and skilled persons capable of and committed to providing effective policy governance oversight and leadership.

    All nominations must be received by May 12, 2024.

  • Structure

    As a policy board, the Directors are able to guide the business operations and ensure the sustainability of the organization.

    The CEO and staff conduct the organization’s day-to-day operations, the Board of Directors provides oversight and participates in committees as needed to support the organization’s disciplines, regions and special interest areas.

    These committees include members of the Board of Directors, members and participants from the cycling community.

  • Objectives

    The Cycling BC policy Board of Directors has the following objectives and duties:

    • To continually assess the guiding principles and policies of the organization

    • To steward the organization’s business operations

    • To delegate the day-to-day responsibility and authority for enacting the principles and policies

    • To monitor accountability and compliance with those guiding principles, policies, and government requirements

    • To ensure that staff and Board of Directors alike are held accountable for their performance

    • To assess risks faced by Cycling BC

    • To engage with stakeholders

  • Composition

    The Cycling BC Board is composed of the following Directors: Chair; Vice-Chair; Treasurer; Secretary; and up to five Directors-at-large. The specific roles are described as follows:

    Chair of the Board – the Directors will determine who, from a group comprised of the Directors, will be the Chair. The Chair will preside at meetings of the Board, the annual general and extraordinary meetings of the Society, will be the official representative of the Society with Cycling Canada, and will perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board. The Chair along with the Board is responsible to oversee the Executive Director.

    Vice-Chair – in the absence or disability of the Chair, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Chair, and will perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.

    Secretary – responsible for the documentation of all amendments to the Society’s By-laws, will ensure that all official documents and records of the Society are properly kept, cause to be recorded the minutes of all meetings, will cause to be prepared and submitted to each meeting of the Board or Members, as applicable, and other meetings a report of all activities since the previous meeting of the Board or Members, as applicable or other meetings, and will perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.

    Treasurer – subject to the powers and duties of the Board, cause to be maintained proper accounting records as required by the Act, will supervise the management and the disbursement of funds of the Society, when required will provide the Board with an account of financial transactions and the financial position of the Society, will oversee the preparation by the Executive Director of annual budgets and periodic reports to the Board and will perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board. The Treasurer will chair the Financial Oversight and Audit Committee.

  • Term and Number of Board Meetings

    Cycling BC has a staggered board, with Directors serving terms of three (3) years, to a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms, and will hold office from September 15 in the year they are elected until September 15 in the year their successors have been duly elected in accordance with these bylaws unless they resign, are removed from office by special resolution or vacate their office. A director who has completed two (2) consecutive terms may run for office after a one (1) year break from serving on the board.

    The Bylaws state that at least 4 meetings per year will be conducted but more recently board meetings have been held monthly.

  • 2024 AGM & Election Timeline

    March 19 – Call for Nominations for the Cycling BC Board of Directors

    May 12 – Closing Call for Nominations,

    May 25 – Date to Determine List of Eligible Voters

    June 3 – Notice of AGM published, Copy of Approved Financial Statements Available (coming as soon as possible)

    June 10 – Last day to send notice of any new business to the Board

    June 14 – Agenda and Meeting Items sent out

    June 17 – Notice of proxy vote appointment required

    June 22 – Online voting closes, Proxies due

    June 24 – AGM