Insurance FAQ

Insurance FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the four insurance products available to me as a CBC member and/or affiliate?


    24/7 Sports Accident Secondary coverage (in addition to MSP) that provides payouts for accidents in Canada, the contiguous USA, and the rest of the world, as long as treatment occurs in Canada. To be clear, there is NO coverage for any expenses incurred outside Canada. This coverage is active during BOTH personal cycling activities and registered/sanctioned training and competitive activities via your club/team.
    Commercial General Liability $10 million general liability policy that covers all Cycling BC members and waivered participants on registered/sanctioned training and competitive events. Certificates of Insurance for Third Parties are available by contacting Cycling BC.
    Errors & Omissions Included in the annual affiliation fee paid by clubs, teams, and businesses.


    Errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, also known as professional liability insurance, protects Clubs and Coaches from potential financial losses due to claims of mistakes, negligence, or failure to deliver services. NOTE This only covers coaches or other “professionals” within the context of the organization, for example a team or club’s coach. Coverage would NOT extend to club members who give advice to one another.

    Director’s & Officer’s Liability An optional add-on is available for affiliated clubs and teams. The premium is calculated by the revenue size of the club and collected directly by AJG Insurance.


  • I’m a CBC Member and I get injured on my bike – When does Sport Accident coverage apply?

    Sport Accident coverage is available for Canadian domestic treatment of your injuries, subject to varying limits by type of injury.  Sport Accident coverage is secondary to BC Medical Services Plan coverage, your own private plan (if there is one), and ICBC settlements.  Coverage is NOT meant to act as Travel Medical coverage and will ONLY pay for Canadian treatment.  To confirm, accidents may occur anywhere in the world, but there is no coverage for any expenses incurred outside Canada.

  • What does the CBC Commercial General Liability Policy cover?

    The policy protects clubs and CBC members from claims from other people, businesses or municipalities (third parties) for bodily injury or property damage. The policy pays for a defense lawyer (if/when needed) and damages (i.e. a settlement or court award).  The Cycling BC policy will work in coordination with your home insurance to provide a defence for you, and will pay in excess of your home insurance limits if they are eroded by a claim settlement.

  • I’m a Club Member - When am I covered under the CBC Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy?

    As a CBC registered Club Member, you are covered for all Club rides and sanctioned events. You are NOT covered when riding to commute or on non-Club training rides.

  • I’m a CBC Member but not a Club Member - When am I covered under the CBC Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy?

    As a CBC Member, you are covered when riding (as a guest in a Club ride or) in a CBC sanctioned event.  You are NOT covered when riding to commute or on individual (non-Club) training rides.

  • I’m a CBC Member commuting or training without my Club - When am I covered under the CBC Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy?

    You are NOT covered under the CBC liability policy when riding to commute or on non-Club training rides.  Your own Personal Liability coverage under your homeowners/condo/rental insurance would respond in these circumstances, subject to the terms and conditions of those policies.

  • I’m a CBC Member and I cause injury to other riders in a CBC sanctioned race – When am I covered under the CBC Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy?

    You would be defended under the CBC CGL policy for your actions, unless they were intentional and expected.

  • I’m a Club and we are organizing a sanctioned race or event - When is the Club covered under the CBC Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy?

    If CBC sanctions the race/event, it is covered under the CBC CGL policy.

  • Does the Cycling BC policy extend outside North America?

    Provincial Trade Teams competing in the contiguous United States (excludes Alaska and Hawaii) can now register their trip using our online ride registration form at and answer the ancillary USA competition questions. As a result, liability coverage is active for cycling activities in the days leading up to and following the competition.

    General liability coverage for Club/Team recreational or non-competitive activities (group rides and training camps) outside of Canada is not covered. Clubs/Teams have the option to access additional liability coverage under the Cycling BC policy at an additional cost. Visit

    As a friendly reminder, ALL Cycling BC members travelling out of Canada should obtain Travel Medical coverage for out-of-country medical services (e.g., ambulance or a hospital visit), as the Cycling BC ride accident insurance only covers treatment conducted in Canada.

    General liability coverage is exclusive to bicycle-riding activities and does not include ‘dryland’ or ‘social gatherings’.

    Clubs and teams that charge fees to participate in insured activities such as club races or clinics must sanction the event with Cycling BC.

  • I’m a Club organizing a sanctioned race or event and other entities are asking to be named as Additional Insured under the event policy, what does this mean?

    This means that other entities have an interest in the CBC policy, by nature of their relationship to the event.  As Additional Insured, they will be defended under the CBC policy in the event that the municipality/landowner/sponsor is named in a liability suit where a Club/CBC member was negligent and caused bodily injury or property damage to a third party or other participant/volunteer.

    In the future, note that organizations or entities that request to be added as an “Additional Insured” may also need to reciprocate and name “Cycling British Columbia” as an additional insured on their own insurance coverage.

  • I’m a Club Coach or Team Coach, no one is hurt, but my actions caused economic loss to someone – Is there coverage for this? (Note economic loss could be loss of scholarship or income from a future career)

    Yes, there is coverage for Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions) under the CBC policy.  Only covers coaches or other “professionals” within the context of the organization, for example a team or club’s coach. Coverage would NOT extend to club members who give advice to one another.

  • I’m a Club Director or Officer – Where do I find coverage for my actions on Board governance?

    Your Club has access to CBC Club D&O Program, an optional add-on, where Club specific policies are available to cover allegations of wrongful acts in the course of acting as board member for the club. Coverage responds both by paying for defence counsel and paying out any damages.

  • As a Club, why should we choose the CBC insurance program?
    1. 24/7 Sport Accident Liability – most sports accident policies will not cover injuries which occur outside of sanctioned events. The CBC policy takes care of our community of cyclists when they are on their bikes at any time.  Over half of the injuries the CBC policy responds to every year take place outside of sanctioned events, and we feel this is important coverage for members.
    2. Commercial General Liability – Compared to other policies, the CBC policy provides ‘participant liability’ meaning that all individual club riders are protected between each other, the club, and members of the public. Less comprehensive packages protect only the club and its board (or team and its ownership) from club members or from members of the public. This is important, especially in cases that include bodily harm, non-owned auto liability, and alcohol liability because often the club and ALL club members attending the ride will be named individually in a lawsuit. This is of the utmost importance if a non-waivered non-member attends the ride and is injured (this does happen!).
    3. Limit of Insurance – Our comprehensive policy meets the minimum liability threshold for most facilities and municipalities, so that clubs/teams can rent space on government and private lands. This is important since $1million, $2million, and $5million liability limits may be insufficient for a club to hold an event. To receive a Certificate of Insurance, clubs/teams complete the Cycling BC COI request form ( Please note that organizations named as additionally insured may also be required to reciprocate and provide Cycling BC with a COI that names us as additionally insured.
    4. Broad Coverage – Our comprehensive policy also includes forest fire fighting expenses, which is an important line of coverage for mountain bike clubs riding in the forest and event organizers hosting events at ski resorts, etc

Coverage Limits and Costs to Members (included in your membership):

Policy Limits Cost to Members
Commercial General Liability $10,000,000 Included
Professional Liability $2,000,000 Included


Liquor Liability for competition-related events $2,000,000 Included


Directors & Officers Liability (optional add-on) $2,000,000 or higher limits available Based on Club Financials
Sport Accident See table below Included



Sport Accident – Benefit Limits
Capital Benefits

See details below

Death $50,000
Death for under 18 Insured Person $50,000
Permanent Quadriplegia $50,000
Permanent Paraplegia $37,500
Permanent Hemiplegia $25,000
Permanent total loss of sight or speech $50,000 Two Eyes

$33,000 One Eye

$25,000 Speech

Permanent total loss of hearing $25,000 Two Ears

$8,333  One Ear

Two Arms

One Arm

Two Hands

Two Feet

1 hand/ 1 foot

1 hand/1 eye

1 foot / 1 eye








Two legs

One leg



One hand

Two plus fingers

Two fingers

One finger

One thumb






One Foot $33,000
Rupture of: Kidney $13,500

Spleen $13,500

Liver $13,500


Burns requiring grafts:

Knee – injured and requiring surgery (no fracture or dislocation)

Bone operation



Severance of Tendons:

Heel (achilles)


Foot (not toes)



Hand (including fingers)








Medical Expense Reimbursement $15,000
Dental Accident Reimbursement $10,000
Prosthetic Devices $3,000
Rehabilitation $15,000
Tuition $2,000
Dentures, removable teeth, hearing aids, eyeglass and contact lenses $200
Emergency Transportation

Family Transportation



Repatriation $5,000
Funeral Expenses No coverage
Weekly Income (waiting period 30 days) $100 per week up to 104 weeks.  No hospital confinement necessary.
Aggregate limit (any one accident) $1,000,000
Maximum Benefit $5,000
Skull Fracture 100% of the Fracture Indemnity Sum (depressed)

33% of the Fracture Indemnity Sum (non-depressed)

Jaw Fracture 33% of the Fracture Sum
Facial Bone Fracture 8% of the Fracture Sum
Nose Fracture 12% of the Fracture Sum
Spine Fracture 50% of the Fracture Sum
Shoulder Blade Fracture 25% of the Fracture Sum
Collar Bone Fracture 12% of the Fracture Sum
Upper Arm/Forearm Fracture 23% of the Fracture Sum

12% non-compound

Elbow Fracture 17% of the Fracture Sum
Sternum Fracture 17% of the Fracture Sum
Wrist Fracture 25% of the Fracture Sum
Hand Fracture 8% of the Fracture Sum
Rib Fracture 10% of the Fracture Sum, 5% for one rib  
Hip/Pelvis Fracture 33% of the Fracture Sum
Sacrum or Coccyx Fracture 17% of the Fracture Sum
Upper Leg Fracture 33% of the Fracture Sum
Kneecap Fracture 27% of the Fracture Sum
Lower Leg/Tibia Fracture 25% of the Fracture Sum
Foot fracture 8% of the Fracture Sum
Ankle Joint Fracture 25% of the Fracture Sum
Ankle Joint Fracture 3% of the Fracture Sum
Dislocation of:







Foot bones


42% of the Fracture Sum

33% of the Fracture Sum

25% of the Fracture Sum

17% of the Fracture Sum

17% of the Fracture Sum

12% of the Fracture Sum

8% of the Fracture Sum