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Riding Bikes in BC – A Letter from Ken Cools National BMX Coach

Letter posted to Cycling BC from Ken Cools, National BMX Coach
I have been in the sport of BMX in a high capacity for almost 30 years now. Over half that time my parents ran a track and I have been licensed and raced in more sanctions than most people have in numbers of years in this sport. However, yesterday I was fortunate enough to have a first time event.
At 9am, myself and 8 members of the High Performance team showed up to Ridge Meadows BMX club for training and there where 60-80 kids on bikes. Apparently thru the direction of Adam Muys CyclingBC-BMX a local elementary school is running BMX for their class 3 days a week! Unreal.
For 2 hours these guys sat in the stands cheering on each member of the team by name. The team was tired from a long week of training but to have little guys who idolize them at the track cheering louder then you get at most races was something special.
The resources that Adam and Cycling BC can give the kids at the ground level needs to be shared by everyone!! If we could get all of BC/Alberta and the rest of Canada singing from the same song sheet this Country could become the most lethal threat in BMX. While having a major rider base of kids at the recreational level that could access resources like coaching, coach development and school initiation projects. Its a win win for everyone.
Im just saying I got to be apart of something special in BMX recently and it happened on a Canadian track. Its been a while since I have been able to say that and it would pretty cool for more people, kids, parents and HP athletes get to experience things like that.
If you ride bikes and live in BC then see what Adam can do for you! Who cares what license you have. You have kids at your track who are having fun on bikes then thats all you should worry about.