The NCCP Cycling specific Ready to Race! Introduction to Competition, Training Basics and Basic Cycling Skills course will be offered March 1st & 2nd, 2014 in Squamish BC at the Brennan Park Recreation Centre.
Cost: $170*
Saturday March 1st, 9-6pm: Training Basics Classroom Session
- Please pack note paper, a writing utensil, lunch, snacks, and some fluids. Lunch will be a short break, there is a canteen in the rec centre where some food will be available.
Sunday March 2nd, 9-5pm: Basic Cycling Skills Session
- Please pack your bike, helmet, weather appropriate clothing, note paper, a writing utensil, lunch, snacks, and some fluids. Lunch will be a short break, there is a canteen in the rec centre where some food will be available.
- If you have completed the Lets Ride! Community Initiation Course you WILL NOT be required to attend this day.
*For those who have completed Let’s Ride! Community Initiation and only attending Saturday March 1st, the cost is $85.
To register please contact Tara at: tara(at)cyclingbc(dot)net.