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Final Races of the Year at Abbotsford BMX

Race Action was fun and fast at Abbotsford BMX last weekend! The weather outside made the decision to ride indoors an easy one.

Adam Muys was on hand to lead some fun and skill building clinics. Adam will be leading one more clinic (details here) at Abbotsford BMX next weekend. Email to reserve your spot.

This weekend is the last weekend of racing for this build, and seeing that it is the Christmas season, Abbotsford BMX has decided to make it a weekend of racing and giving to those less fortunate. Racing is only $10 if you bring a donation for the Food Bank. This applies to both Saturday night and Sunday morning racing.

This weekend is the final race for this build. This means that after the excitement of racing on Sunday, the track needs to be torn down, bleachers cleaned, all trash picked up, everything returned to the containers near the outdoor track and lots of other little things. If you can, please plan on sticking around for a bit to help Sunday afternoon: lots of hands make the work go much faster!

Abbotsford BMX. Photo by Jules Chalmers-Owega.