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BMX Development Team Camp #1

The site for all BMX action during winter, Abbotsford Indoor, was host to training camp number one for the Cycling BC BMX Development team last weekend. Thirteen of the Province’s top BMX riders ages 11-13 came out for a four hour session led by BMX Development coach Misha Partridge, along with High Performance coach Adam Muys and Team BC Elite Jared Ennis.

“The team’s focus for this year is on skill development and race preparation,” remarked coach James Palmer. Riders were put to the test practicing their jumping and manualling on flat pedals. The second half of the day saw the team running gate starts, full laps, and a number of other competitive race games.

This year the BMX Development program will be running five camps throughout the season in locations on Vancouver Island as well as the Lower Mainland. These camps are geared towards preparing riders for BC Championships, and the annual team project to Washington state for the USA BMX Lumberjack National race.

“One thing we identified from last year was that our team needed more focus on preparation in order to compete and perform at big races like the US Nationals” said coach Mischa Partridge. “We are excited to introduce the team to a basic training program that will provide more structue for athletes in preparing for those big races”.

New for this year, the program will have ten open spots at each training camp for riders not on the team to join in and sharpen their skills. The next camp scheduled is for April 30th to kick off the outdoor season.

Gate practice
High Jump!
Mischa giving some tips