Jan. 24, 2017

Standing Together to #EraseBullying in Sport

If we stand together, we can erase bullying in sport. A sport environment in which participants - athletes, coaches, volunteers, and officials - are exposed to negative experiences such as bullying can be harmful and …

Dec. 22, 2016

Holiday Hours

The Cycling BC office will be closed between December 22nd and January 2nd. If you have any urgent requests, we will be available by email–see our staff page for the appropriate staff member …

Dec. 14, 2016

Member Survey

Please take the time to complete our end-of-year member survey. Your feedback is important to us as we continue to evaluate how Cycling BC's programs and activities can better serve our members and the cycling community …

Dec. 5, 2016

Job Posting: Executive Director

Cycling BC is hiring a new Executive Director, to continue to build on the successes of the organization under the leadership of Jim Richards, the current Executive Director. The board of directors is now …

Dec. 5, 2016

Cycling BC Executive Director Jim Richards Resigns

The past year has been an excellent one for our organization. We set specific goals around financial stability, growth in membership, and enhanced sport development. We ended the year with revenue higher than targeted and …

Dec. 2, 2016

BC Championship 2017 calendar release

Cycling BC is pleased to announce the 2017 BC Championship races. Building on the growth and success of our championship races over last two years, Cycling BC will be working closely …

Dec. 2, 2016

BC Premier Cross-Country Marathon Mountain Bike Series Announced

Cycling BC proudly announces the launch of the BC Premier Cross-Country Marathon Mountain Bike Series (BC XCM), enabling Cycling BC members to pursue their passion for Marathon or XCM style of racing with four …

Nov. 27, 2016

Save the Date: February 4th, 2017

On February 4th, 2016 Cycling BC will be hosting coaches and athletes of the Development and Performance program at Fortius Sport and Health in Burnaby BC from 10-2pm.  Cycling BC will be providing an overview of …

Nov. 24, 2016

Athlete Services and Benefits Program Application now open

Canadian Sport Institute/PacificSport Athlete and Coach Services and Benefits Program provides athletes at various levels with funding and resources to pursue excellence. The Canadian Sport Institute & PacificSport services are broken into levels, each with a …

Nov. 16, 2016

Job Posting: Commissaire and Technical Delegate Coordinator

JOB SUMMARY The Cycling BC Commissaire and Technical Delegate (C&TD) Coordinator is a part time role responsible for the planning and coordination of the commissaires and technical delegates attending series and provincial championship races on …

Nov. 4, 2016

Celebrate 2016’s Provincial Champions & Series Winners on Nov. 27th

Join us as we look back on 2016 and celebrate the province's top cyclists, along with those who have tirelessly given back to the community as volunteers, coaches, officials, event organizers, and more! In just …

Oct. 27, 2016

Teams of BC 2016/17 Track Training Camps Schedule

Cycling BC and BC's youth clubs are very happy to announce the second annual Teams of BC series of track camps for 2016-2017.  We are especially pleased to announce that Cycling BC has agreed to …