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World Tour Professional Development Opportunity

In collaboration with the organizers of the World Tour, Cycling Canada is presenting new online training for caravan drivers in cycling events.  The objective of this training is to inform participants about basic rules for driving a vehicle in a cycling caravan.  This training will become mandatory for all drivers in 2015.

This bilingual workshop is open to all commissaires and coaches.  The workshop will include a presentation by Kris Westwood, Manager of High Performance at Cycling Canada.  Afterwards, participants will complete the online training individually (or in partners) using their laptops.  The online training is available in French or English.

This training will count towards NCCP professional development points for certified coaches.

Please confirm your interest before September 10th, 2014.  Send an email to and include: your name, preferred language for the online course and your NCCP# (if applicable).


Cycling Caravan Drivers Training

When: Saturday September 13- 1:30pm-3:30pm

Location : Delta Montreal- Salle Brahams

                475, avenue du Président-Kennedy, Montreal H3A1J7

Bring : laptop, earphones (you may share laptops with another participant)