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iRide Coaching Certification Opportunities

This spring, the iRide program is offering various coaching certification opportunities across the province. Events have recently taken place in Cranbrook on April 2nd and 3rd, and in Terrace on April 16-17th. A course will be taking place in Squamish on April 23rd.  These events are facilated by either Richard Wooles or Ben Chaddock and are designed to cover NCCP Let’s Ride and Basic Cycling Skills material, as well as answer questions and provide insight on the iRide program.

Ben reports from Cranbrook:

There is no better feeling than when I help run these courses and meet a core group of inspired community leaders like I did in Cranbrook. Everyone who joined us for the comprehensive 2-day course was in it to win it, they want to see the iRide program develop and grow in the Kootenays. In addition to the Let’s Ride and Basic Cycling Skills material, we also spent a lot of time practicing our coaching out on the field. It was very fun to see how much the participants improved between our first and second days outside.

Richard reports from Terrace:

Cycling BC is commited to getting cycling programs started around the province and thanks to the dedicated group of individuals in Terrace we are one step closer. Coaches trained, dates planned, and letters written to schools. We look forward to coming back and starting after-school programs with the support of this wonderful community.

If you would like to be personally updated by email on our future coaching events, please email to be added to the prospective coach list. Conversely, stay up to date by checking our coaching certification calendar here.

If you’re a fan of Cycling BC’s iRide program, check us out on TwitterInstagram, or Donate to support our programs in your area. To learn more about booking a future event, please contact us at or (604) BC-iRide.

Cranbrook: Tights Turns
Cranbrook: Ramps
Cranbrook: New Team!
Terrace: Green Lights
Terrace: New Technques
Terrace: Front wheel lift
Terrace: Local students try out the new coaches