Cycling BC is pleased to announce that Ben Chaddock has now assumed the position of Head of Coach Development for Cycling BC.
Over the past 4 years, Ben has achieved Master Coach Developer “Trained”, Coach Evaluator “Trained” and Learning Facilitator “Certified” status under the National Coaching Certification Program. I’m excited to recognize Ben’s achievements by formalizing his leadership role with Cycling BC. Ben has been our NCCP liaison for some time; with this new title, we are acknowledging his expertise and ongoing commitment to improving the coach pathway for our sport.
Ben has been instrumental in developing Cycling BC’s iRide program and the program’s success has garnered national attention. Ben is now working with our national partners on taking the iRide curriculum national under the Cycling Canada Hop-on umbrella. In collaboration with local clubs, Ben has also developed a Ride Leader Training Program aimed at making club riding safer.
Ben’s ongoing commitment to Cycling BC’s success has contributed to our leadership in the Canadian sport landscape and we are proud to call him a colleague.
Please join me in congratulating Ben on his new official role as Head of Coach Development.
Erin Waugh
Executive Director