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Leading Through Language

We would like to congratulate one of our members and supporters of cycling in BC and in Canada, Bart Egnal, on the announcement of his new book – Leading Through Language.

Leading Through Language: Pre-Order Here (CAN)

About The Book:

Using blue-sky thinking, picking the low-hanging fruit, opening the kimono, unlocking human capital, leveraging core competencies. Much of today’s business communication is so riddled with jargon that audiences are left confused and uninspired. So why is this kind of language so common? More importantly, what kind of language should leaders use?

In Leading Through Language, leadership communication expert Bart Egnal answers these questions. Egnal reveals why jargon is so prevalent in the workplace, and why it usually undermines those who use it. He demonstrates how effective leaders have the courage to reject fuzzy terminology in favor of the language of leadership. Simply put, the language of leadership is language that clearly and powerfully brings ideas to life for the audience.

Step by step, Egnal shows leaders how to inspire when they communicate. He explains how to approach communication as an opportunity to lead, by first defining a clear, convincing message, and then by delivering that message using powerful language. Leading Through Language makes clear how to choose words that bring a vision to life while conveying personal convictions. The book draws on extensive interviews with corporate leaders; accounting, law, and medical professionals; and athletes who provide insights into jargon and its implications for effective communication.

This book is not simply for executives — it is written for managers, technical specialists and for any professional who wants to move others to action when they speak or write. Leading Through Language is a practical guide for mastering the art of powerful communication that is clear and inspirational. Now leaders can share their ideas using jargon-free words that will engage and motivate their entire organization.