Cycling BC is excited to release its updated Return to Competition (Phase 3) Guidelines in compliance with viaSport and the Province of BC’s Phase 3 Return to Sport.
Cycling BC has developed these guidelines with the support of the Cycling BC Return to Sport Committee consisting of members of the board, staff, and with input from members of the Cycling BC community. As always, the health and safety of members, participants, and the community at large remains the top priority.
Cycling BC would like to acknowledge its members and community for their patience and support in the development of these guidelines which are designed to provide a safe and responsible environment for participation in the sport of cycling. The updated guidelines contain recommendations on how Cycling BC sanctioned activities and competitions can be administered under the present Covid-19 situation and mirror many of the public health safety practices that have become commonplace during the pandemic such as routine health-checks, physical distancing, enhanced hygiene, use of face masks/PPE, and various administrative and engineering controls. New to the guidelines under Phase 3 of Return to Sport is the introduction of a return to group racing, cohorts, and updates to the discipline-specific guidelines for competition.
With recent successes in the execution of events adhering to Return to Competition guidelines over the past several months including time-trial mountain bike, road and gravel races, track cycling cohort training and racing, bmx, and cohort-based road races, Cycling BC is optimistic that these guidelines will help our clubs, members, coaches, officials, organizers, and other sport partners, in the safe resumption of cycling activities for the foreseeable future.
Cycling BC thanks you for your ongoing patience, understanding, and cooperation as we navigate through these challenging times together. Be safe. Stay healthy. Keep riding.
Download the Cycling BC Return to Competition Guidelines – Phase 3 (PDF)