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Result of the Revised 2023 Membership Fee Vote

Voting on the revised 2023 Cycling BC membership fee structure concluded at midnight on December 27th. There were 5,198 eligible voters and the result of the vote is as follows:

842 members voted, representing 16% of the membership.
711 voted in favour of the proposed increase (84.4%)
131 voted against the proposed increase (15.6%).
There were no abstentions.

With the majority of voters in favour, the new membership pricing will take effect on January 16, 2023.

Thank You for Participating

Cycling BC would like to thank all the members who participated in the process. We knew that holding an online vote during this time of year would be a challenge but it was important that as many members as possible be eligible to exercise their democratic vote before memberships expire at the end of the calendar year. The results indicate higher engagement from the general membership and we thank you for your time and commitment.