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Cycling BC 2023/24 Board Election Announcement

Cycling BC is pleased to announce the results of our Board of Directors nominations process for the year 2023/24.

A total of four vacancies were available on the 2023/24 board, while four nominations were received. With four nominations, in accordance with our bylaws, the following individuals are elected by acclamation and will take office on September 15, 2023:

  • Charles Russell, Mill Bay, BC
  • Todd Hansen, Delta, BC
  • Erin Tolfo, Surrey, BC
  • Travis Beatty, North Vancouver, BC

It is with great pleasure that we welcome these new voices to our Board of Directors and look forward to our work together.

Cycling BC expresses its gratitude to outgoing board member Matt Usborne, who is finishing his sixth year of dedicated service on the board, including two years as chair and two years as past chair. His contribution to Cycling BC has been immeasurable. Furthermore, the departure of Ashley Reid, who served on the board for three years, is acknowledged with appreciation. Ashley’s advocacy for recreational riders across all disciplines has been invaluable, and her voice at the table will be missed. Cycling BC thanks her for her time and contributions during her tenure.

On behalf of Cycling BC and the rest of the board, please join me in expressing our appreciation to our departing board members and help me extend a warm welcome to the new members joining our Board of Directors.


John Schwenk, Nominations Committee Chair