Oct. 6, 2015

BC Premier Cyclocross Series: Vanier Park

Summer-like conditions welcomed the over 320 cyclocross fanatics who converged on Vanier Park, Vancouver, for West Coast Racing’s annual cyclocross race on October 4th.   With the race being the second stop in the Cycling …

Oct. 2, 2015

Cycling BC Launches Premier Cyclocross Series

Warm, sunny skies greeted some of BC's top cyclocross racers last weekend as they came to do battle at Whistler Cyclocross, the first race in the Cycling BC Premier Cross Series. Event organizers went all …

Sep. 24, 2015

Vanier Park Cyclocross Classic

From the Vancouver Cyclocross Coalition: It's been said there are only two things you can count on. One of them is taxes. That means the other must be the Vanier Park Cyclocross Classic, …

Sep. 18, 2015

Whistler Cyclocross

The next race in the Cyclocross Premier Series is Cyclocross Whistler. Whistler’s burgeoning Cyclocross scene hosted a CX race for 2014 and has now developed a new course to lend credence to racing in …

Aug. 5, 2015

Cycling Canada Invites Community Participation In Hall of Fame 2015 Selections

From Cycling Canada: Cycling Canada is pleased to announce that the inaugural inductions for the Canadian Cycling Hall of Fame will take place October 9 & 10, 2015 in conjunction with the Canadian Track Championships …

Dec. 4, 2014

2015 Race Calendar

Cycling BC is excited to announce our 2015 race calendar for BC Championships, Premier Series, and BC Cup races. Check out the schedule below, or consult our calendar