Most of the DH Future Champs getting ready to head up to Low Down for some race simulations
Over this past weekend we had our DH Future Champs Talent ID Camp for 2014. We had a group of 10 riders for the weekend and within that group we were fortunate to have some serious talent to work with.
“It is very exciting for me to see that BC has so much talent within the current Junior Expert UCI Category all the way down to a ripper 9 year old that wants to be the next Stevie Smith(World Champ!).” – Coach Cory Leclerc
Skills chat
Saturday we did some race simulations in Squamish were all the riders showed why they are BC’s finest. They all continually bested their times run after run. This is a sign of racers that have put in the time on and off the bike. The race sim was followed by a gym session where we all worked out as a team, as well as shared some training experiences and ideas from some of our own training programs. The focus was really working on building a strong base for strength and cardio so that when the race season returns we’re ahead of the game.
Core Strength!
On Sunday we took our training to the Whistler Bike Park. The morning talk was on the importance of racing and training in our everyday lives. For some riders, the top of the world cup podium may not be in the cards, but how they approach their racing, the lessons they learn, and obstacles they overcome in the racing world will help them as they navigate life. From the morning chat we moved up to a new training zone under the gondola and beat up a series of turns. We micro timed 2 sections within a 6 second moto. The focus was on how Turn 1 affected Turn 2 and vice versa. The athletes were super pumped on the ability to try different strategies and see instant results. The afternoon was a little more relaxed with riders splitting into groups and applying the weekends skills and training on the groomed trails that the Whistler Bike Park has to offer. All in all a super weekend with BC’s finest young DH racers – the future of DH racing is strong for Cycling BC.
Steph (the only female in attendance) having the fastest time in section 1