Cycling BC Ride Leader

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Ride Leader Training

Meraloma Club House 2390 W 10th Ave, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Ride Leader Training This combination theory/practical workshop is designed to help you lead weekly rides at your adult club. The module includes a 2-hour education call via ZOOM and concludes with a 3-hour outdoor skills session and practice ride. To achieve certification, submit your journal and EAP within seven days of our practice ride. This […]


Ride Leader Training

Christine Sinclair Community Centre 3713 Kensington Avenue, Burnaby, BC, Canada

Ride Leader Training This combination theory/practical workshop is designed to help you lead weekly rides at your adult club. The module includes a 2-hour education call via Zoom and concludes with a 3-hour outdoor skills session and practice ride. To achieve certification, submit your journal and EAP within seven days of our practice ride. Topics: […]


Ride Leader Training

Meraloma Club House 2390 W 10th Ave, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Ride Leader Training This combination theory/practical workshop is designed to help you lead weekly rides at your adult club. The module includes a 2-hour education call via ZOOM and concludes with a 3-hour outdoor skills session and practice ride. To achieve certification, submit your journal and EAP within seven days of our practice ride. This […]


Ride Leader Training

South Kelowna Elementary 4176 Spiers Road,, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Ride Leader Training This combination theory/practical workshop is designed to help you lead weekly rides at your adult club. The module includes a 2-hour education call via Zoom and concludes […]
