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iRide wraps @ Comox

iRide Comox head coach Lauren Lan wrapped up her spring iRide events with a mass of end-of-sch00l-year cycling trips to local forest trails.

The students of Ecole Robb Road enjoyed a wrap-up to their iRide program with a fun trail ride at Macdonald Wood Park and through the North East Woods. All students exemplified excellent road riding skills during their 2.5 km road ride commute from school to the trails. And then they flew! Through the fun, flowing trails of Macdonald Wood park before the twisty single track trails of the North East Woods. A pitstop at the beach for water kept the student’s energy levels topped up and provided a chance to check out the low-tide.

Aspen Elementary’s turn came on Tuesday after a great amount of organization by teacher Mr. Schilling provided students the opportunity of exploring the trails of Nymph Falls Park in West Courtenay. The experience was unforgettable! Everyone attempted the log A frames on the Bears Bait Trail with the help of iRide coaching staff before ripping up the fast and flowing River Trail.  After dipping our feet into the icy river at the Comox Lake dam, our return trip tested the students with a wide variety with climbs and descents, twists and turns along with roots and rocks. A great time was had by all and students were infused with the desire to continue riding all summer long! Go Aspen!

A number of bear sightings in the forested area near Queneesh Elementary forced a change of plan from riding trails to playing some urban riding skills games like stop and go, a four way stop game where students controlled their own intersection, set-up with cones on the playground. We then put our imaginations into overdrive, by creating an imaginary trail ride through an imaginary forest on the open field! We did find a little stretch of forest we could use to ride over and around some features as well. Finally, we practiced a few rounds of climbing and descending hills on a gentle slope on the playground. Everyone enjoyed their time and we made the best of our Bear situation!

If you’re a fan of Cycling BC’s iRide program, check us out on TwitterInstagram, or donate through Chimp to support our programs in your area. To learn more about iRide Summer Camp or book future in-school events, please contact or (604) BC-iRide.



Comox, BC
Comox, BC
Comox, BC
Comox, BC
Comox, BC
Comox, BC
Comox, BC
Comox, BC
Comox, BC
Comox, BC