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iRide @ Bear Trax

This upcoming week, Cycling BC’s iRide team is headed to Victoria’s Bear Mountain for a week long summer camp.  In preparation for the summer camp iRide’s Victoria coaches, Adam Walker and Glen Polson teamed up with Bear Mountain’s annual MTB festival, BearTrax.

Glen reports:

On August 1-2, Adam and I were invited to participate in the cycling activities on Bear Mountain Resort in Victoria during their annual mountain bike festival BearTrax. We set up a free iRide bike course in the kid’s zone, incorporating cones, ramps, natural terrain, and other obstacles. This circuit was designed to teach and improve bike handling skills such as mounting and dismounting, braking, tight turns, straight line riding, speed control, and front wheel lifts.

We had a great turn-out of kids from ages 5-7, most with unbelievable bike-handling skills. We had a very positive response from the kids, parents, and other participants. We even got the chance to ride with the Superheros of Victoria. We had so much fun, I can’t wait till next year.

iRide events continue in Victoria this summer with a week-long summer camp program at Bear Mountain, August 24-28. Students will be grouped by age and ability and tackle a range of skills and games on mountain bikes. Spots are limited, sign up now.

If you’re a fan of Cycling BC’s iRide program, check us out on TwitterInstagram, or donate through Chimp to support our programs in your area. To learn more about iRide Summer Camp or book future in-school events, please contact or (604) BC-iRide.