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iRide Rolls Again!

Cycling BC’s iRide program has restarted this autumn with in-school events rolling out in the Comox Valley and coaching certification events taking place in Kimberly, BC.  Local head coach, Lauren Lan, reports from her first two weeks of iRide.

The iRide program kicked off last week in the Comox Valley at Queneesh Elementary, Arden Elementary, and Puntledge Park Elementary in Courtenay, as well as Au Couer De L’Lile in Comox. All the schools began their program with an introduction to neutral/ready position, after the necessary helmet and bike safety checks.  The students quickly progressed onto tight turns and cornering, practicing weaving through cones, riding the “snakes” and the always fun Shark Island!   The weather was fantastic and students enthusiastically picked up their newfound skills.

There was a bit of extra excitement at Queneesh with a bear sighting in the area which kept students inside for part of the session time. Hopefully Mr. Bear will begin hibernating soon and we will look forward to more good times outside next week progressing the students skill level and increasing their passion for pedalling. We also look forward to starting the iRide program at Cedar Elementary in Campbell River.

This week, Lauren returned to continue the progression of skills learned in week one:

Arden, Puntledge, Au Couer de L’lile and Queneesh students jumped into week two this week, which meant that the stunts came out! After mastering neutral/ready position along with cornering last week, students were ready for the introduction to straight-line riding, and along with that the opportunity to show off their new found skills (and confidence!) on the teeter-totters and A-frames.

“I didn’t think I could do it, but then I did it…and it was awesome!” chirped one of the many excited Arden students.

“It is always so rewarding to see students progress from tentatively riding the straight-line rope course on the grass to the elevated features, and rocking it!” beams Head Coach Lauren Lan.

Next week these students will progress by learning wheel lifts, as well as the basics of climbing and descending, finishing up with an “everything-in” obstacle course.  At Cedar Elementary in Campbell River, students braved a windy and rainy day for their first session. Everyone stayed positive and still had lots of fun learning new skills and playing some games.
 iRide Coordinator Ben Chaddock also traveled to Kimberly, BC, this past weekend to run an NCCP Let’s Ride certification course for the local Freewheelers Cycling Club.
The group was very committed to improving their skills and everyone came with a great interest in the growth of cycling in Kimberly. Our day included a morning in-class session with group discussions before spending the afternoon in the school field, experimenting with word choice, presence and coaching effectiveness. Working through the basic cycling skills under the Basic Cycling Skills protocol, each coach worked with a partner to teach the rest of the group a primary skill, before graduating to a solo coaching test lasting 5 minutes.  There were some great laughs and lots of smiles throughout the day. I really enjoyed my time in Kimberly and look forward to activing these new coaches with iRide programs this upcoming spring.

If you’re a fan of Cycling BC’s iRide program, check us out on TwitterInstagram, or donate through Chimp to support our programs in your area. To learn more about iRide Summer Camp or book future in-school events, please contact or (604) BC-iRide.