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iRide @ Victoria

iRide’s Victoria crew held the final iRide school session for the 2015 calendar year at Torquay Elementary. Led by coaches Adam “Sideshow” Walker and Glen “Captain Pickle” Polson, 5 classes took part in the 4 day program, providing a fun but chilly experience for the 150 students.

Glen reports:

I’m stoked to report that our iRide program at Torquay Elementary was a smashing success. The kids braved rain, wind, sunshine, and near freezing temperatures, and they all did it with a smile on their face.

Throughout our four days, we worked on helmet/bike safety checks, mounting/dismounting, hand signals, straight line riding, wide/tight turns, ratcheting, braking, gears & cadence, and bike limbo.

On our last day we put their skills to the test with a fantastic obstacle course that required them to utilize all their new found skills. We even had time to play a few games of “Survivor”.

Adam & I had loads of fun with Torquay, and I look forward to riding with these kids again soon.

Adam reports:

We had a really great week at Torquay!  The school was 110% stoked on the program and we were treated like royalty by the staff.  Glen and I were given hot coffee & hot chilli on the cold, wet days and the students showed every day ready to jam!

Looking to become involved in iRide as a coach? Cycling BC is hosting an NCCP Let’s Ride and Basic Cycling Skills certification events early in the New Year.  If you are a youth athlete or an adult cyclist who would like to become involved, please reach out and contact to be added to our Prospective Coach mail-list where you’ll be kept up to date with any upcoming Community Initiation coaching courses. Our full coaching full calendar can be found here.

If you’re a fan of Cycling BC’s iRide program, check us out on TwitterInstagram, or Donate to support our programs in your area. To learn more about booking a future event, please contact us at or (604) BC-iRide.