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iRide Rolls into 2016

iRide’s Vancouver crew held the opening iRide school session of the 2016 calendar year at Martha Jane Norris Elementary this past week. Led by coaches Wes “Tubbs” Ochitwa and Nigel “Nachos” Thompson, six classes took part in the three day program that included the first warm rays of spring sun and some damp winter sprinkles.

Wes reports:

What a successful three days that was for iRide 2016!  Who says February is too early?  Not these students! It was an action-packed week with six classes per day of explosive energy.

We started off in 16 degree sunny spring weather on Tuesday and battled some spotty rain later in the week, but wow, the enthusiasm of these kids. It’s almost like they were biking at school. Oh wait…they were!

Traversing a wide range of rich knolly grassland, patched with thick old-growth evergreens right off the school’s gravel field, this school had iRide written all over it. The students made full use of our resources each day and brought a caring, appreciative and engaged attitude to the field, a testament to the teaching and administrative staff of Marth Jane Norris.

Over the course of the event, the students showed us just how well they locked down their fundamental cycling and safety skills with smooth operating of Starts and Stops, Straight Line Riding, Signals, Wide and Tight Turns, Dismounts, Barrier Jumps, Remounts, and Pairs Riding.  Games of the week included a “Black Forest” duel (through the tall trees), Collecting Fives, Foot Down, and Hip Hop Zombie.

Also big news of the week was Nigel’s new nickname – Coach Nachos!

iRide programs continue this spring in March and a few openings are still available. iRide is also currently accepting bookings for the 2016-2017 autumn session. To learn more, please visit the iRide page here.

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If you’re a fan of Cycling BC’s iRide program, check us out on TwitterInstagram, or Donate to support our programs in your area. To learn more about booking a future event, please contact us at or (604) BC-iRide.

Spring is in the air - 2016 iRide begins with sunshine