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iRide Coaching Course in Kelowna

Over 20 new coaches were trained as Community Cycling Initiation level instructors this past weekend in Kelowna. The comprehensive 2-day event provided athletes, parents and cycling enthusiasts an introduction to cycling skills and varied learning styles.

This event featured as the first coach training event of the year in the Interior with more opportunities available through the province in 2016.  If you are looking to coach at your local cycling club or with Cycling BC’s iRide program, please contact Ben Chaddock to learn more. To find the next certification opportunity in your area, please review our full coaching full calendar here.

If you’re a fan of Cycling BC’s iRide program, check us out on TwitterInstagram, or Donate to support our programs in your area. To learn more about booking a future event, please contact us at or (604) BC-iRide.