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iRide Sprints into Spring

The thing that I love about iRide, is that last year and this year were very different from each other and each day we did different activities, and that is so fun

– Destiny, Grade 4 student at Peace Arch Elementary

With spring break finished and school back in session, Cycling BC’s iRide program is now riding into the busiest time of the year.   This year’s jam-packed schedule includes a mix of new and returning schools, providing our first opportunity to meet our iRide alumni one year on.  To spice up the curriculum, our coaching staff have devised new games, challenging BMX and MTB-style stunts and created more after-school opportunities for excited ‘iRiders’.  Last week the team kicked off April with a first year visit to Anmore Elementary near the Tri-Cities and returned to Peace Arch Elementary in South Surrey for year two.

Ben reports:

Anmore Elementary was a blast!  The school grounds featured three different fields at various elevations, providing an exciting variety of terrain to chose from.  My classes varied from ‘let’s go fast’ Grade 5s to ‘hard-charging’ kindergarten students, each tackling a curriculum of skills appropriate for their ability.  I was especially impressed with the Grade 1 students at Anmore, they were very comfortable on their bicycles and were great listeners. It was also a lot of fun to create aerobically-challenging courses for the Grade 5 students and give them a big of a workout. I saw a lot of happy faces in Anmore and it was a real treat to be out in the sun and making it happen!  Thank you to all the students and staff at Anmore that made my first week a great one!

Wes reports:

It’s difficult to not play favorites but I was pretty excited to return to Peace Arch for year number two.  Before I could even finish unpacking for the first day, I was greeted by a handful of teachers that recognized me from 2015! It made for a wonderful feeling. The students were so well mannered all week and are a real testament to the fabulous staff at Peace Arch. Over te course of the week, we refined our skills with games of Lightbulb, Shark Island and Jamacian Joust. We also tackled the new teeter-totter and talked about further riding opportunities with the nearby Surrey Off-Road Cycling Enthusiast riding group (SORCE).  I can’t wait to head back in 2017!

iRide programs continue this spring into summer and a few openings are still available. iRide is also currently accepting bookings for the 2016-2017 autumn session. To learn more, please visit the iRide page here.

To become an iRide newsletter recipient and stay up-to-date on all future iRide events in your area, please go here.

If you’re a fan of Cycling BC’s iRide program, check us out on TwitterInstagram, or Donate to support our programs in your area. To learn more about booking a future event, please contact us at or (604) BC-iRide.

Anmore_Day #2: Time for tight turns!
Anmore_Day #3: Riding the teeter by himself!
Anmore_Day #2: Ready for Lightbulb game
Anmore_Day #2: Lightbulb game
Anmore_Day #2: Everyone in the light bulb!
Anmore_Day #2: Big smiles
Anmore_Day #3: Downhill Corners & Tight Turns
Anmore_Day #3: The Wolfpack!
Anmore_Thank you Card
Peace Arch_Dismount/Remount/Scooter Game
Peace Arch_Happy People!