Jul. 19, 2015

Vancouver’s Garrett McLeod Wins Peace Arch News Road Race At Beverley By Cressey Presents Tour De White Rock

VANCOUVER’S GARRETT MCLEOD WINS PEACE ARCH NEWS ROAD RACE AT BEVERLEY BY CRESSEY PRESENTS TOUR DE WHITE ROCK From BC Superweek: White Rock, BC – With temperatures hovering near 30 degrees, the 36th annual Peace …

Jul. 16, 2015

2012 Canadian Olympian Denise Ramsden Wins Women’s Race in Dominating Fashion

From BC Superweek: Vancouver, BC – History was made Wednesday night at the Global Relay Gastown Grand Prix as for the first time since 1984 when Alex Steida, Brent Mudry, and Bruce Spicer finished 1-2-3, three …

Jul. 15, 2015

2010 US National Criterium Champion Daniel Holloway Wins UBC Grand Prix p/b Mahony & Sons

From BC Superweek: Vancouver, BC – A year ago, Team UnitedHealthcare swept the podium at the UBC Grand Prix p/b Mahony & Sons. So with the UHC team returning this year, it’s no surprise it …

Jul. 14, 2015

Ride Ryder Hesjedal’s Tour de Victoria

If you haven't heard, Victoria has become known as the Cycling Capital of Canada and Ryder Hesjedal's Tour de Victoria on August 23 showcases the best of it! …

Jul. 14, 2015

Record Gastown Grand Prix Women’s Field Racing For New & Improved Women’s Trophy

From BC Superweek: GASTOWN, BC (July 8, 2015) - In addition to the $25,000 cash purse and thousands more in primes (mid-race lap prizes), the women lining up for the 2015 Global Relay Gastown Grand Prix will be racing …

Jul. 14, 2015

Tour de Delta: MK Delta Lands Criterium

From BC Superseek: North Delta, BC – At the risk of sounding too cliché, it was like déjà vu all over again at the fifth annual MK Delta Lands Criterium to kick off the 15th edition of …

Jul. 14, 2015

BC Superweek: White Spot | Delta Road Race

Tsawwassen, BC – In a new twist this year, organizers changed the route of the White Spot | Delta Road Race to include twice as many passes by the start/finish line. The goal was …

Jul. 9, 2015

Ride2Survive’s Epic Ride From Kelowna to Vancouver Raises $600,000 and Counting for Cancer Research

Every year for the last ten years, on the longest day of the year in June, a team of cyclists wake up in Kelowna and prepare to ride the 400 km to Metro Vancouver. …

Jul. 8, 2015

BC Superweek: UBC Grand Prix Cat 3/4 Women’s Race Cancellation

The Cat 3/4 Women's race at BC Superweek's UBC Grand Prix has been cancelled, due to low registration numbers. Because of this change, Cat 3 women will have an option to switch races. Any questions about …

Jul. 6, 2015

Junior Nationals Recap

The Junior National Road Championships wrapped up on Saturday with the Crit, after having completed the Road Race on Friday. The women kicked off the day on Friday with an 80 km road race …

Jul. 3, 2015

Alex Stieda & Rapha at L’Eroica Vintage Bike Ride/Race: Oct 2-5, 2015

October 2–5, 2015 VIEW DETAILS Ride the white roads of Tuscany alongside  former professional cyclist and yellow jersey wearer, Alex Steida, and …

Jul. 3, 2015

Junior Road Nationals Update

Yesterday the Junior National Road Championships kicked off with the Junior TT Race. The course was a technical with three relatively large climbs, followed with some big descents. Yesterday’s weather presented some strong winds, …