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Parcours Institute Special Offer for Cycling BC Members

Parcours Institute Inc., founded by two-time Canadian Olympian and World Championship medalist Zach Bell, is offering their program to any Cycling BC athletes at a special rate. Applicants can simply submit a full application with “Cycling BC” as one of their references, for an additional 5% off the currently available prices.

The Parcours Professional Athlete Certification is the only education recognized and developed in partnership with professional teams. Their education will teach you about all facets of being a professional cyclist from sponsorship and media to the business of the sport. You will know how the teams work, what they expect and how to provide that. This will not only help you find and sign that first pro contract, it will help you keep it for the life of your sporting career.

This year the Parcours Institute has seasoned former world tour pro Ted King attending for a fantastic extra curricular learning opportunity. The ultimate blue-collar bike racer, Ted built a career on being a consistent reliable professional in some of the world’s largest event.

In addition you may also be eligible for matching grant support to help cover the costs.

If you would be interested in taking advantage of this offer please apply:

Step 1: – apply for the Professional Rider program.

Step 2: You will be sent an application form that will ask you to identify which module you are interested in. On that application list your second reference, as “Cycling BC” and we will know to apply the discount to your offer should you be accepted.

Stage 1 – Media and Sponsorship – Dec 1 – 10, 2016

Stage 2 – Nutrition – Jan 7 – 17 , 2017

Stage 3 – The Business of Cycling – Jan 19 – 29 , 2017

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