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United Velo Masters Race Series 2018

The United Velo Cycling Club was formed by a group of cycling enthusiasts from BC’s Fraser Valley whose aim is to grow and promote cycling in the lower mainland. With a variety of ages and riding levels, United Velo can accommodate most riders on their flagship Saturday morning Fraser Valley rides and welcome all to come out to try.

The United Velo Masters Race Series is run in tandem with the BC Masters Cycling Association and will be running races in the beautiful Fraser Valley of British Columbia. The race format is Australian Pursuit which staggers riders based on self-seeding their abilities through four categories (A, B, C, D). Staggered start times allow for all to compete for the entire (apprx.) 70km race.

Whether you are an expert or just wanting to try out your first road race, you are welcome! Riders from Cadets and Juniors upward are also encouraged to participate.

Please visit for race info, course maps, and licensing requirements.