Feb. 23, 2012

Smashmouth Racing at Burnaby Velodrome Adds to Prize List

Smashmouth Racing presented by the Burnaby Velodrome Club and Superior Glass would like to announce additional prize money and prizes to the Friday, March 2nd race. Through their generous sponsorship there will be a …

Feb. 21, 2012

London 2012 – CTV Interviews

Check out Zach Bell's interview from CTV: http://ctvolympics.ca/video/videoid=1229498.html Check out Richard Wooles interview from CTV: http://ctvolympics.ca/video/videoid=1229468.html Check out Gillian Carleton interview from CTV: http://ctvolympics.ca/video/videoid=1229481.html And a few more clips: http://www.canadiancyclist.com/dailynews.php?id=23415

Feb. 16, 2012

CANADA’S WOMEN TEAM PURSUIT BREAKS CANADIAN RECORD, FASTEST IN QUALIFICATIONS AT OLYMPIC TEST EVENT Whitten, Glaesser and Carleton deliver impressive performance at Olympic test event, and will race for Gold

Excitement was in the air at the brand new velodrome built for the 2012 Olympic Games in London, Great Britain, as the best riders from every corners of the world regrouped to compete at …

Feb. 8, 2012

Smashmouth Racing at Burnaby Velodrome

On Friday, March 2nd, the BVC (Burnaby Velodrome Club) and Superior Glass presents Smashmouth Racing. This will be part of the regular Friday night series with a minimum prize purse of $1100 for A, …

Jan. 17, 2012


DIFFICULT DAY FOR CANADA AS TRACK WORLD CUP BEGINS IN CHINA  The Road to the Olympics get bumpier for the Men’s Team Sprint

Dec. 19, 2011

CCA Holds Team Pursuit Camp for Women

After the arrival of all the participants [in Los Angeles], the campers headed to the Velodrome to get used to the track for a bit.  Some of the more veteran riders took great ease …

Dec. 19, 2011

Burnaby Velodrome Boxing Week Racing – Volunteers Needed

December 18, 2011 (Burnaby, BC) – Boxing Week Racing is on Dec 28-30. This event will be jam packed with great racing but will be run on the Friday night style so easy to …

Dec. 13, 2011

Track Cyclist of the Year 2011

8th December 2011: As 2011 comes to an end it is time to vote for the Track Cyclist of the Year 2011 and we are again offering you the chance to win fantastic prizes simply us …

Dec. 7, 2011

Burnaby Velodrome 3 Days of Boxing Week Bonanza – December 28-30

The Burnaby Velodrome will be hosting the 3 Days of Boxing Week Bonanza, December 28-30. The three-day event will offer a track racing extravaganza for all categories, including youth and women. Doors open at …

Oct. 19, 2011

Great Games so far for BC’s Best at PAN-AM’s

The riders are on a high tonight after the women's team pursuit set a new national record and are the new games champions taking the GOLD against Cuba in the final.  Congratulations to Steph …

Oct. 11, 2011

CCA Announces Pan Am Games Team

The Canadian Cycling Association announced today the names of the cyclists who will represent Canada at the Pan American Games in Guadalajara, Mexico, which open October 14th.  Tory Nyhaug, David Veilleux, Guillaume Boivin, Joelle …