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Jr. Track Worlds Pre Trials Camp and Trials

This is a call out to see if anyone would be interested in going down to California for the Pre Trials Camp for Jr. Track Worlds.  We’d be looking to arrive April 1st at 11:30, 1:30 or 3:30pm and departure will happen after Trials on April 6th (between 6 and 10 pm).  Accommodation will be at the Extended Stay on Vermont (4km from the Velodrome).  Riders will be responsible for food (estimated at ~$100 for the week) and airfare (including baggage) to and from LA (LAX).

The project costs is: $325 payable to Cycling BC, this covers ground transportation (to and from airport, and 3 grocery trips), accommodation and track time.

Rough schedule of camp:

April 1st: TBA, later in the afternoon

April 2nd: 10-1pm

April 3rd: 10-1pm

April 4th: 10-1pm

Please get back to Tara at tara(at) no later than Wednesday February 12th indicating your interest in attending.