After arriving in the Beauceville area on Monday it has been a whirlwind of activity. With being in a new part of the country where their English is as good as my French, and preparing for the first stage of Nationals it has been very exciting! We spent both of the past two days checking out the TT. The rolling course follows along one of the rivers starting and ending at a church; this nice view will unfortunately be under appreciated during all of tomorrows hard efforts! A big thanks to all the sponsors and supporters for making this possible, THANK YOU!
– Kia van der Vliet

Nationals so far have been an awesome experience, We have settled into the beautiful le Georgesville hotel! Thanks Cycling BC and friends! The past few days we have spent most of our time pre-riding the courses and prepping for tomorrow’s time trail. The course is a mostly flat 30km for the men and a 20km course for the women. I’m really excited to see what we can do as we have a very strong men’s and women’s squad who will hunting for a spot on the podium! Thanks to all of Cycling BC’s sponsors as well as Trek Red Truck for making this trip possible, without them such world class projects like this one would cease to exist.
-Joel Taylor

Big TT day today, everyone’s nerves were running wild, but at least we’d all had the past two days to recover from our travel across the country, as well as the Le Georgesville to recover from those two days. If it weren’t for the excellent accommodation I know I wouldn’t have slept, and I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say that. Fortunately for all of us the skies failed to deliver the forecasted golf-ball hailstones, so between the skies during the day and the sleeping during the night we have a lot to be thankful for in our first day of national racing. Too bad the beautiful countryside was so blurry from where we were seeing it, but we didn’t need the distraction! I was one of the last Jr. Men to start today and the wind seemed to work a little more to my advantage then others. I had some strong headwinds in the last section of the first half and a serious tailwind on the return, which really worked to my advantage getting me a spot in the top 10! Thanks to all the Cycling BC Supporters and sponsors for making this possible!
-Trevor Stothard