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Athlete Spotlight: Georgia Astle

This will be Georgia Astle’s third year on the provincial team. While she got her start in cross-country and then enduro, she has emerged onto the international stage with downhill racing this year, racing in the Mont Saint-Anne World Cup in August. In September, Georgia competed for her first time in the UCI Downhill World Championships, where, despite a crash, she came away with an impressive fourth place. Georgia weighs in on the year behind her, and her plans for 2016:

After Mountain Bike Worlds in Andorra, I stuck around and raced two back-to-back Enduro World Series races in Spain and Italy. After spending the month in Europe, I came home to closing weekend at the Whistler Bike Park, which was jam packed with riding and party trains down A-Line.  Currently, I am working a VERY full time job (4 part time jobs) to put funds in the bank for next year’s race schedule, as well as training as much as I can for next season.

I have not finalized my 2016 race schedule yet, but no matter what happens, I am looking forward to all of the  races I am able to attend and being on my bike with friends!  I will most likely be sticking to local BC Cups, Canada Cups, a handful of Northwest Cup races, and hopefully heading back to Mont Sainte Anne for the World Cup there. My 2016 goals are to be on the Team Canada for 2016 Worlds in Val di Sol, podium in the Canada Cup series, podium in a Crankworx event, and compete in Whip Off World Championships at Crankworx.

I found the biggest improvements in my riding and racing when I just committed to hitting or doing something, or following someone into it instead of over-thinking it too much and making it a big deal. It’s having the confidence to know that I have the skill to do this–mind over matter.
A big thank you goes out to to AFD Racing, Evolution Whistler and of course my amazing parents for all of their support this past season!  Another big one goes out to Jeff Bryson, Adam Trotter, Dan Proulx, Ian Hughes and the whole Worlds staff for their magic work for the Canadian guys and gals in Andorra. And last, but not least, a big thanks goes out to Cycling BC for getting the season rolling with a training camp in San Bernardino where we were able to get some miles under our belts, build our engines, and get some early season racing in as well.
Fontana Waterfall
2015 Worlds Team
Keeping it low
Threading the needle