Cycling BC affiliates TaG Cycling and DEVO are teaming up to recruit new talent for a women’s team for 2024.
TaG Cycling and DEVO are looking for promising young cyclists who have the potential to become the best in the nation. A talent I.D. camp will be held from Thursday, April 20th to Sunday, April 23rd, where participants will undergo a series of physical testing, assessments, group rides, and a free entry to Escape Velocity’s Aldergrove Kermesse race on Sunday, April 23rd to cap off the weekend.
The talent I.D. camp will be led by TaG Cycling’s head sports director, Gillian Ellsay, TaG owner and Olympian Leslie Tomlinson, and coaches from DEVO. The goal of the camp is to identify cyclists who have the potential to excel and who may be suitable for further development & training from the team in order to become successful at the highest level.
The camp is free and is open to riders between the ages of 16 and 24. Race entry fees for Escape Velocity’s Aldergrove Kermesse race on Sunday, April 23, are complimentary for camp participants.
Download and view the camp invitation and schedule from TaG Cycling.
For more information, please email contact@tagcycling.com