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Killarney School Cycling Program – Day 2

The Youth Cycling Club at Killarney Highschool was treated to another sunny day for their second cycling session.  The kids were eager to learn new skills and put them to practice. The group set up on the gravel soccer fields where they began an overview of braking skills and how the front and rear brake affect your stopping power.   Everyone lined up individually and accelerated to the designated stopping line, seeing who could stop the quickest and safest!

Next up was taking these skills to the course, which included a slalom section with some fast snaky corners.  Everyone was having a blast riding the course. The focus was on a mix of slow speed and high speed maneuvers, covering everything from balance and tight corners, to accelerating and stopping quickly.  To practice their slow speed maneuvers a “Slow Speed Race” was held.  Everyone lined up and the LAST one to cross the finish line won.  The final two riders to cross the finish line used their incredible balance skills, include some of their newly learned track stand skills.

Finally a race was held on the large coned off course, but in the opposite direction than previously practiced. Everyone managed the course very well and was able to make it through with speed and without having to put any feet down in the tight snaky corners!  A lot of skills and bike knowledge was covered during the afternoon session, which left the kids excited to ride over the weekend and come back next week for more practice!