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Over 2100 Kids Reached With iRide in April

This past month, iRide provided inspiring and comprehensive programming for 2128 students across the province. Events ranged from full 4 day programs utilizing natural terrain and small stunts, 1-day introductory outdoor safety sessions and half-day indoor cycling events. Of the 2100 student tally, iRide worked with 1056 girls and 1072 boys. Over 75% of these events were conducted with the assistance of iRide assets, including two fleets of youth bicycles and two sets of new helmets, totalling 60 bicycles and 60 helmets. Coaches and teachers across the province are very happy with the program and hope that assets will be available all across the province in the near future.

Being one of our busiest months so far, Head Coach and Coordinator Ben Chaddock has expanded his coaching staff and implemented an apprenticeship program for newly certified coaches. Newly certified NCCP coaches will now work with iRide head coaches for 4-6 weeks, sharing in-depth knowledge of iRide programs, drills, games and of course techniques for managing difficult student situations. Head Coach Ben Chaddock notes “I believe it is critical that we take the time and effort now to implement this apprenticeship program. We are a quickly growing family of coaches so we must make sure we maintain the integrity of the experience. By working together, coaches can learn from one another quickly so that every school we visit report the coaches were better than good, they were AMAZING!”

Our coaching staff currently includes:

iRide Program Coordinator: Ben Chaddock

Head Coach: Julian Base and Wes Ochitwa
Apprentice: Jessica Heyes, Nigel Thompson, Colby Johnson, Zayne Heyes, Andy Wong and Jeff Thulin

Head Coach: Lauren Lan
Apprentice: Lynda Magor

Head Coach: Ted Morton
Apprentice: Daniel McCunn

Head Coach: Adam Walker
Apprentice: Breena Kealy, Brenda Houston, Glen Polson

This weekend Ben Chaddock also completed his learning facilitator training in Kelowna. Once certified, he will have the capacity to run coaching certification courses across the province and continue to build his staff. “I am excited about my LF certification. Now when I run coaching certification events, I will have the opportunity to immediately share some of the things I’ve learned from iRide and streamline a coach’s introduction to the program. This way our iRide apprentices show up more prepared and can effectively contribute on their first day.”

If you a fan of Cycling BC’s iRide program, check us out on Twitter @Cycling_BC #iRide, Instagram @CyclingBC_iRide or visit us at to support our programs in your area.