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iRide @ Surrey

iRide’s Vancouver crew wrapped up 2015 programming at Bear Creek Elementary last week in Surrey. Led by head coach Wes “Tubs” Ochitwa and assisted by Zayne Heyes and Jackson Pickell, students experienced indoor and outdoor sessions as nasty weather earlier in the week turned into a few great final days.  A total of six classes participated in the program and provided an iRide experience for 180 students.

Wes reports:

SHABAAAAM! iRide 2015 in-school outdoors program wraps up with about everything you could possibly fit into a 4-day session. Frosty grass and clear skies, sideways rain and under-dressed students, overly excited coaches, rocking indoor sessions and 2 days of beautiful autumn weather to close out the week.  In the heart of Surrey, BC at Bear Creek Elementary, my crew this week included two local racers, Zayne and Jackson.  It is great having these guys out, they have great energy and alternate days to stay fresh and balance their elite cycling training. For example Jackson rode to the school on the two days that he worked. I am excited to see more young club racers joining us as iRide assistant coaches next year.

Our group of riders included a wide range of abilites and although the first few days were challenging with the weather, my coaches and I built a strong rapport with the students by the final day.  Proper outdoor cycling clothing was a hard-learned lesson on day one but these rippers didn’t mind, cheering at top of their lungs while splattering through the mud…”THIS IS THE BEST THING I’VE EVER DONE”. I had to chuckle.  Sometimes as coach you think a certain condition will affect the kids a certain way, and then they just totally surprise you. We had some great team leaders in the group that lead by example.

On the 2nd day, however, the weather was bitterly cold and made for cold fingers, compromising student’s stopping ability. We headed indoors for a rocking indoor session in the gym. Using hoola-hoops as bicycles and running a gauntlet of obstacle courses and games, they learned the peloton skills and tuned general balance and fitness abilities.

Our last two days were outside and made for a great capstone to the whole year. Our beginners students quickly found their legs and joined our regular groups.  The highlight of my week was coaching  a local blind student to the point where she gave her Teaching Assistants a run for their money. My Bear Creek iRide students really took advantage of our iRide week and it was a real pleasure to provide guidance for this groups of keeners.

Jackson reports:

On my first day at Bear Creek Elementary (day 2) the rainy weather had become too much to go outside, but that didn’t stop us from teaching skills which we could apply the next day. The kids imagined they were racing the Whistler GranFondo, while riding hula hoop bikes in the gymnasium. My next day they were very enthusiastic, and everyone worked hard to either get riding a bike or learn some new things!

Looking to become involved in iRide as a coach? Cycling BC is hosting an NCCP Let’s Ride and Basic Cycling Skills certification events early in the New Year.  If you are a youth athlete or a adult cyclist who would like to become involved, please reach out and contact to be added to our Prospective Coach mail-list where you’ll be kept up to date with any upcoming Community Initiation coaching courses. Our full coaching full calendar can be found here.

If you’re a fan of Cycling BC’s iRide program, check us out on TwitterInstagram, or Donate to support our programs in your area. To learn more about booking a future event, please contact us at or (604) BC-iRide.

"Karate Kid Musical Bikes" - wax-on-wax-off....and, Crane Kicks.
A "Princess Crane Kick"
Brand new rider at the start! Ripping with the group by Day4