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MTB Warm Weather Training Camp Update #2

I feel I am getting a lot of solid training in – the high altitude training will definitely being paying off when we return back home to sea level and same with the long road rides we’ve been putting in this week. I am very exited to be here with the team, it’s my first year as a U17/Cadet and everyone is so inspiring and encouraging. This is a great camp that is lots of fun and a great learning experience. I’m definitely looking forward to taking my racing to the next level. Thank you to all the Cycling BC supporters who make these training opportunities possible for the team.

– Hunter Verner


This is my second year in this camp, and it is absolutely amazing! The training, and races we do have a huge impact on the rest of the year. Being in the elevation and high heat is a unique training experience that makes it more beneficial for the important mid summer races. The team environment is incredible, because we all push each other to go faster and train harder. I’m so fortunate to have been able to join the team for the second year – thank you to all of the supporters and sponsors that help us be the best we can!

– Steph Denroche


This is my first year coming to the California training camp, and so far I love every minute of it. The warmer weather and change in terrain is a refreshing change of pace, and brings a nice twist to training. On top of this, much of our training so far has been at a significant altitude, which is another factor to consider in our training. We have been out on a six-hour road ride through the rolling hills above Los Angeles, and done intervals in the local trails surrounding Lake Arrowhead. The team atmosphere makes training fun, and the friendly competition encourages us to push each other so we can find new limits. Overall I have and am having an excellent time here in California – I can’t thank the sponsors and supporters enough for supporting such an incredible project THANK YOU!

– Ethan Toom

5+ miles of descending from Keller Peak to Running Springs, CA
Steph coming in hot.
Jack Almond putting in some miles
Smiles for MANY miles
130+ km of California road riding