2017 BC Premier XCM Series

The 2017 season marks the inaugural year of a provincial series for the cross-country marathon discipline, the BC Premier Cross-Country Marathon Series. The marathon format has seen continued growth over recent years with competitors engaging in the endurance format across the categories in full-family affairs.

The BC Premier XCM Series consists of four races featuring some of BC’s top mountain bike events:

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May 6, 2017 Vedder Mountain Classic Cultus Lake
May 13, 2017 Sunshine Coaster Sechelt
May 20, 2017 Nimby 50 Pemberton
June 17, 2017 Sp’akw’us 50


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Many aspects around the format of the Marathon (XCM) style of racing differs from the cross country olympic format (XCO), for this reason there will be some slight changes and considerations in the structure and format of the XCM series.

Series Standings


Riders are required to hold a BC Race licence (includes a UCI licence) or an out-of-province UCI license to be eligible for series points tracking and standings. Points are calculated from the results of each race,ranking riders in the series standings. Series points will be cumulative for all races, with all available points contributing to the series standings (see points table below).

Unlicensed riders will be able to purchase one day licences and race in their selected categories; unlicensed riders will be able to win the category on the day but will not have access to series points and are therefore not eligible to become the overall series winner. Unlicensed riders results will be removed from the standings leaving the order of the licensed riders to apply to the points table below.


The following categories are being tracked for series points. Additional categories to individual races may be added by the race organizer, though these will not be tracked as part of the serie.

  • Elite Men
  • Elite Women
  • Junior 18 & under Men
  • Junior  18 & under Women
  • Senior 19 – 29 Men
  • Senior 19-29 Women
  • Master 30-34 Men
  • Master 30-34 Women
  • Master 35-39 Men
  • Master 35-39 Women
  • Master 40-44 Men
  • Master 40-44 Women
  • Master 45-49 Women
  • Master 50+ Men
  • Master 50+ Women


Points for each race will be awarded to the top 75 finishers as per below points table for top 75 places, ranging from 200 points to 1 point.

In the case of a tie, the highest-placed rider in the final race will be the overall series winner.

If less than 5 Master riders (any age category) start any race in the series, points for that race will not be awarded for the category.

Results will be separated for points tracking and overall series rankings.

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1 200 21 60 41 35 61 15
2 175 22 58 42 34 62 14
3 155 23 56 43 33 63 13
4 140 24 54 44 32 64 12
5 130 25 52 45 31 65 11
6 120 26 50 46 30 66 10
7 115 27 49 47 29 67 9
8 110 28 48 48 28 68 8
9 105 29 47 49 27 69 7
10 100 30 46 50 26 70 6
11 95 31 45 51 25 71 5
12 90 32 44 52 24 72 4
13 85 33 43 53 23 73 3
14 80 34 42 54 22 74 2
15 75 35 41 55 21 75 1
16 71 36 40 56 20
17 69 37 39 57 19
18 66 38 38 58 18
19 64 39 37 59 17
20 62 40 36 60 16
Swipe/Scroll to view the whole table


Overall series winners will be recognized and awarded the series winners trophy at the annual Cycling BC awards ceremony (scheduled for late November after provincial Cyclocross Championships).

All athletes who have placed on the podium must attend the ceremonies. Failure to do so will result in loss of award.